To advance the lives of young people 11-25 and their families living in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. Through the provision of Health, Wellbeing, Learning, Recreational and leisure time, services and activities. We will do this by providing community spaces for young people to participating in the Arts and Creativity, Computing, Higher learning, Volunteering, Mentoring, Peer Counselling, Peer Support and social enterprises. We will support young people to live with an increased sense of belonging, confidence, safety, potential, and overall well-being within their communities
We believe the voice of children and young people lies at the heart of everything we do.
We are a Charitable Organisation currently being run by volunteers who share their expertise and experiences to improve the mental health support young people get across Kirklees and West Yorkshire.
We exist in order to raise up, the voices of young people; to promote and raise awareness about youth mental health and support young people affected by social isolation, loneliness, mental health and emotional wellbeing across Kirklees and surrounding areas
It is important for those who are considering using our services, understand that we aim to offer community space to enable young people to talk, support each other and express themselves. Our work will encourage young people to feel involved in their decisions that affect their lives. We will do this by making sure young people feel listened to and able to influence the decisions that affect their lives. We believe that choice must exist, alongside supporting wellbeing and aspirations.
When we speak of ‘children and young people’, what do we mean? To clarify, we mean those of you aged 12-19 years old or up to 25 years old if you are a Care Leaver or have Special Educational Needs or a Disability, sometimes referred to as ‘SEND’.
As a Charity we want to be recognised in terms of the contribution we make to local communities across Kirklees, now and our impact in years to come.
One way we will do this is this, is to encourage and value young people lived experiences in all planning and decision making of the Charity.
When we need to hear and involve parents, carers and the wider family about you, we will ask you first.
This website and our services will be developed with the help of young people, professionals and partners. Who will be committed to supporting our work with young people and achieving our mission.
This website will help KMJ Foundation achieve our ultimate Mission – For children, young people and local families To feel safe, supported, healthy and empowered to achieve their full potential.